The Power Of Mood Boards and 'Law of Attraction'


Dear person reading this, you made it through another year despite all the hard times and i am so proud of you for that. Happy New Year. For most of us, the New Year is a time for setting goals and making New Year’s resolutions. So set yourself some goals to focus on in 2023, from big goals like buying a house or to go travelling, to smaller achievements like, changing some habits, such as: drinking more water. 

But most of us, we think about resolutions for a while in our heads, then forgetting about most of them for the rest of the year. Or maybe you write them down somewhere. Now if that works for you that's great but this year I've decided to try out a new method of setting resolutions that I've been seeing for years. That is creating a moodboard. Beyond holding yourself accountable, it’ll be nice to look back on your goals in the future! 

It is all based on the idea of 'law of attraction', you know about this if you've read a book called 'the secret'. By having a clear vision and focusing on it, you can dream your life into reality. That's the idea. This can be done through a variety of manifestation methods. one is moodboard. 

Now if you have no idea what a moodboard is, It is a tool to help you hone your visual ideas at the start of a creative project. it may be a photoshoot, a graphic design project, etc. But it also makes for a wonderful way of visualizing your New Year’s resolutions. In easy words, a moodboard is simply a collage of your goals. There is no right or wrong way of creating a moodboard because it is supposed to be specific to your goals for the year. But here are some things to consider,

1. It can be both tangible goals and intangible goals. such as: making more money or taking some time off to relax.

2.  And make it specific, such as you want X amount of money saved, or a 4.0 gpa.

3. Remember that this is no witch craft, and that you would actually have to work hard to achieve your set goals, so try to make most of them realistic and achievable. 

4. But do set some goals that challenge you, or might seem too hard. Because you never know, you might just get it.

5. Add quotes and affirmations that you feel genuinely inspire you and fit your situation.

So if you're ready to create one, first gather pictures of all things you want to achieve by the end of the year. Now there's two main ways you can go about this, one way is digital and you can use apps such as Pinterest or Photoshop and add upload all of your pictures there and organize them however you like. 

The another way requires a poster board, adhesive glue and photo printouts or magazine cutouts. This might seem old school but I personally prefer this more because there is just something about having having a physical board that motivates me more. Just like the digital version, you can organize your printed pictures however you'd like. If you'd like to see a video tutorial on how to create one, there are several on YT, but I specifically recommend Amber Scholl's videos to inspire you even more.

My Pinterest is always open if you're looking for inspiration, 

                                                                                         source: Pinterest 

Good luck, you got this.

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